Class Levels

Absolute Beginner

Introductory classes designed specifically for total beginners!

These sessions will guide you through the fundamental "how-to's" of dance, welcoming participants with zero dance experience. Get ready to share a laugh or two, break a sweat, and enjoy an all-around good time with a community of like-minded individuals.

No dance background is needed – just bring your enthusiasm, and let's make your dance debut memorable!


Beginner classes are tailored to those who are new to dance, have limited experience, or prefer to take class at a relaxed pace with simple, feel-good moves.

Join us as we break down the steps and groove at a comfortable tempo, creating an enjoyable dance experience for every dancer.

Let's take those first steps together!

BALLET SPECIFIC: Beginner- basic understanding of balletic alignment and technique.  Terminology taught/used throughout a year in this level includes: Ronds de jambe, developpé, battement balancé, pas de bourreé echappé sauté, glissade, assemblé, petits jeté, pas de chat, pirouette, temps levé.

Intermediate 1

Intermediate 1 classes are tailored for dancers with a solid grasp of basic dance terminology. These sessions offer slightly more complex choreography and move sets. The pace is set at a comfortable slow to moderate tempo, providing a welcoming challenge for those seeking a bit more complexity in their dance practice.

Step into the realm of “Intermediate 1” and explore the joy of dance at a new, invigorating level!

BALLET SPECIFIC: Solid understanding of balletic alignment and technique. Terminology taught/used throughout a year in this level includes: frappé, petits battements, attitude, promenade, pirouette en de dedans, posé turns, chainé turns, waltz turns , sissone, grand jeté.

Intermediate 2

Intermediate 2 classes are designed for those seeking a challenge without diving into the advanced room just yet.

Moving at a moderate pace, we focus on intermediate choreography and the foundations of advanced moves. If you're eager to build up to Level 4 and prefer a supportive step-by-step approach, look no further.

Join us and embrace the journey to mastering the intricacies of dance in a dynamic and engaging environment!

BALLET SPECIFIC: Solid understanding of balletic alignment and technique. This class works at a quick pace. Terminology taught/used throughout a year in this level includes: Ronds de jambe jeté, fouetté relevé, fouetté sauté, fouetté turns, attitude and arabesque turns, penche, jumps with beats, cabriole, ballonné, ballotté, renversé, Demi-contratemps.


Advanced Level 4! These classes are an immersive experience into complex choreography and intricate move sets. With a brisk pace and a focus on refinement, this class skips the general technique reviews, providing a challenging environment that pushes you both physically and mentally. Embrace the challenge, and elevate your skills!

All Levels

These dynamic classes are suitable for everyone*, from beginners to advanced dancers! Our instructors are equipped with choreography variations spanning from beginner to advanced, ensuring an inclusive and enjoyable atmosphere no matter where you are on your dance journey!

 *Please note that "all levels" classes may not be the best fit for introductory dancers, as they are crafted to accommodate a diverse range of expertise.